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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Gratitude"
Wild Comfort Kathleen Dean Moore on learning how to receive things gracefully as gifts from others and from the Earth.
To You We Shall Return Joseph Marshall III on how Lakota hunters left offerings after killing animals.
Finding Happiness Abbot Christopher Jamison on why greed is always present in our hearts in some form or another and gratitude is the antidote.
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices Elliot Dorff and Louis Newman on how money is something to be grateful for because it is not only a result of our efforts.
The World We Have Thich Nhat Hanh on being grateful for this land.
Common Sense Spirituality David Steindl-Rast on how gratefulness arises at surprises.
When the Past Is Present David Richo on dealing with regrets in a way to become grateful.
Prayers for Puppies, Aging Autos, & Sleepless Nights Robert Jones with a prayer for fresh socks.
Spiritual Formation Henri J. M. Nouwen on how resentment can be replaced by the spiritual practice of gratitude.
Miniatures of a Zen Master Robert Aitken on a Japanese blessing for gratitude.